Previous image Up to current index page (1) Next image Looks nice. White on white. The camera was mounted by drilling a 15/64" hole through the plastic at the "cut out" markings intended for the factory camera. The camera is mounted parallel with the face line of the cut-out, giving the best orientation for aligning the Subaru on-display guide lines. And the colour match is much better than it appears in this photo. The view down our driveway in the rearview mirror. Compare with next photo.. Same driveway, same position, but quite a startling view of things from the camera. This was before I aligned the MFD guide lines correctly. The original camera failed after three months, so I replaced it with a near identical one. Here is the inside of the failed one. The replacement is still going strong two years later. The back side of the PCB, featuring an ATMEL 328 processor ("Arduino"), and a 27Mhz crystal. The CCD side of the PCB. The lens, with square I/R filter.
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The original camera failed after three months, so I replaced it with a near identical one. Here is the inside of the failed one. The replacement is still going strong two years later.
The original camera failed after three months, so I replaced it with a near identical one. Here is the inside of the failed one. The replacement is still going strong two years later. (z0612242)
z0612242 (17/20): Canon-7D ISO3200 1/80 f9.0 Auto-WB 250mm (18-250mm) 2014-08-13 13:30
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