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* Version 8.65 2025-01-14 * -- Fix two-button toggle for nchuck_focus_only mode: broken since v8.55. * Version 8.64 2025-01-11 * -- Add new emulate.focus boolean variable, to force-enable a STEP/DIR motor (whether present or not). * -- Fix HomeBrew Focus Motor logging to use "focus_*" rather than "ssaa_*". * -- emulate.mount: Allow MC_POLL_CORDWRAP command to be 4 bytes instead of the correct 3 bytes. * Version 8.63 2025-01-03 * -- i2c_detect_device: Increase FRAM detection interval to 50ms based on report by user "masi". * Version 8.62 2024-11-26 * -- Ensure OLED is ON for ota_update command. * -- Decode model name for Evolution mounts with ancient firmware (7.11.6165). * -- SSAA: treat padding byte values other than 0x02 as "NO padding". * Version 8.61 2024-10-28 * -- OLED: Speed up first redraw after splash screen. * -- OLED: Don't show "WiFi: Off" while actually connecting to an Access Point. * Version 8.60 2024-10-27 * -- Revert Nunchuck changes from v8.57: not compatible with some older Nunchucks. * Version 8.59 2024-10-20 * -- Fix reading of switches on All-In-One (AIO). Was broken for a while. * -- Make it easier to test with a slower I2C clock using I2C_MAX_CLOCK macro. * Version 8.58 2024-10-12 * -- Fixed missing "wlan.channel" variable on ESP32/HBG3/AIO. * Version 8.57 2024-10-12 * -- Scan for least-busy channel for WiFi (ESP32). * -- Show wifi channel number on OLED. * -- Fixed test_auxbus command. * -- Fixed auxbus.stopbits=2. * -- Nunchuck handling changed. * -- BW16 I2C gets stuck when Nunchuck is hot-unplugged; worked around it, but might still happen. * -- Tweaks for newer version of RTL8720/BW16 module with different connections to HBG3 PCB. * -- Cosmetic GPS code tweaks to keep newer compilers happy. * Version 8.56 2024-08-11 * -- Add config flags to completely include/exclude FRAM and I2C code. * -- Tweaks to print_packet(). * -- Move rx_pin,tx_pin from bus_s to txq_s. * -- Combine setup() hooks for AIO and REALTEK_BW16 (aka. HBDB). * -- Use different DEV_ addresses for AIO and HBDB, and different HBG3_NAMEs for them too. * Version 8.55 2024-08-06 * -- Merge the dual-band WiFi/BLE REALTEK_BW16 project. * -- LOTS of little fixes as a result of the REALTEK_BW16's fussier build-chain. * -- Nuke "simple_mode" and associated code. * -- Rename DEV_SCANR to DEV_SCANER (python AUX bus scanner). * -- Improve decoding/emulation of BATT_GET_VOLTAGE. * Version 8.54 2024-08-01 * -- emulate.mount: add commands needed for simulating CGE-Pro and other mounts. * -- Get rid of workarounds for CPWI cordwrap: CPWI-2.5.6 sends cordwrap commands to both MCs on purpose. * Version 8.53 2024-07-30 * -- emulate.mount: work around CPWI cordwrap bugs. * -- Implement responses for MC_[GS]ET_AUTOGUIDE_RATE when using mount.override. * -- Add nchuck.slew.speeds variable. Eg. "set nchuck.slew.speeds 4,4,5,5,6,4,5,6,7,9" (five slow, and five fast speeds). * -- Add mount-id for the Origin. * -- Add new mount.override variable to change reported mount ID for GET_MODEL. * Version 8.52 2024-07-27 * -- Nuke mount.reversed.alt --> free up the space, and nobody uses it. * -- Cancel auxtests on receipt of any serial/p3000 command. * -- Impose a time-limit on gps auto-baud detection, to reduce overhead when no gps detected. * -- Force OLED redraw after exit from QR screen: was sometimes leaving bits of QR on the display. * -- New 'i' command to toggle ignoring/exclusion of MC_GET_POS packets from tracing. * -- Fixes for BATT_GET_VOLTAGE. * -- Tidy up implementation/tracing of emulated devices. * -- New (partial) mount simulator: enable with "set emulate.mount 1"; mostly complete, but no tracking yet. * -- When available, show measured Dew Input Voltage on the OLED. * -- Increase dew_aggression temperatures by a degree or so. * Version 8.51 2024-07-13 * -- Minor fixes around DEW_RECALIBRATE_ENV_SENSOR. * -- Make suppress.lowbattery also hide such messages from verbose/trace. * -- Don't do Network Time Protocol (NTP) unless a real/fake GPS is configured. * -- Enable tracing 1 or 2 devices at once with the trace command. Eg. trace dev1 dev2 * -- Measure Dew Heater voltage on ADS1115 channel-3: use external 4:1 (divide-by-5) resistor network on the input. * -- Read thermistor every 3 seconds instead of every 4 seconds. * -- Show p3000 responses when verbose=1. * Version 8.50 2024-06-18 * -- Add support "get wlan.mac" for CPWI 2.5.6-beta. * Version 8.49 2024-06-17 * -- Show GPS coordinates as DDD° MM'SS.ss" C, similar to Celestron hand-controller displays. * -- Fix build when EMULATE_SSAA is false. * -- Set default ETHERNET_ENABLED back to true, for benefit of hbg3-aio builds. * Version 8.48 2024-05-31 * -- Some mounts (eg. CPC) return an extra byte in response to certain cordwrap commands. Deal with it! * Version 8.47 2024-05-29 * -- Work around CPWI CORDWRAP bug: CPWI uses DEV_ALT instead of DEV_AZM for some (but not all) CORDWRAP commands. * -- Revert to 4-sec p2000_timeout for most stuff; use a longer timeout during SSAA capture activity. * Version 8.46 2024-05-11 * -- Use P2000_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT for MUSB as well as WiFi/BT connections. * -- Increase P2000_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT to 8 seconds (was 4). SSAA has been observed taking 5-seconds to respond. * -- Dump SSSWI challenge/response pairs together when verbose=1 * -- ADS1115: Use I2C clock of 800KHz for lower overhead. * -- ADS1115: use 475 SPS, so that a sample can be read in 2.1msec. * -- Increase default oled.timeout.secs to 120 (was 60). * Version 8.45 2024-05-02 * -- Add ADS1115 ADC support for thermistors. Wire ADC A0 to 3.3V, A1 to Thm0, A2 to Thm1. ADC A3 is not-used. * -- Incorporate a default ADC_LUT[] table. * Version 8.44 2024-05-02 * -- Add SSSWI_HACKING: intercept Challenge/Response and feed our own data to SSHC. * Version 8.43 2024-04-03 * -- New boolean var to reverse ALT direction of Nunchuck: nchuck.reverse.alt * Version 8.42 2024-04-02 * -- Never turn off GPS; instead let it run and update it's almanac etc.. * Version 8.41 2024-04-02 * -- Get rid of oled_off_updatefn(). * -- New oled.timeout.secs variable, for auto-blanking the OLED. Default 60 seconds. * -- Rename various OLED/Button related identifiers for easier comprehension. * Version 8.40 2024-03-13 * -- Enable use of 0x?? hex values for most numeric settings. * Version 8.39 2024-01-19 * -- Get project to build/run with new Arduino ESP32-v3.x.x board support. Also needs new library patches! * Version 8.38 2024-01-11 * -- Add missing WiFi.persistent(false); to setup(). * -- Sort out the pin assignments for Dew Control on the All-In-One (AIO). * -- Fix Dew Control pin assignment logic for Relay+Stepper configurations. * Version 8.37 2024-01-08 * -- New "dew.force.enabled" boolean variable to enable Dew Control even without a SHT3x sensor being present. * -- Select different thermistor_pins[] and dew_pwm_pins[] when AUXRELAY is wired. * -- Disable Dew Channel-1 if no pins are available for it, due to conflicts with Ethernet, Host-USB, or Stepper motor. * Version 8.36 2024-01-07 * -- Fix NTP year formatting for transfer to a Celestron hand-controller. * Version 8.35 2024-01-07 * -- Fix NTP dates by using gmtime_r() instead of buggy local calculations. * -- Change default "dew0.amps" (informational-only) setting from 1.8 to 1.7, matching Celestrons 8" Dew Ring. * -- Enable use of opcode names with the "send" command. * -- Tweaks and tidying to opcode name printing. * -- Fix fake Focus Motor calibration to persist across reset/power cycles. * -- Get rid of "focus.calibrated" variable: focus.limits does same job. * -- Revamp Focus Motor Calibration screen. * -- Enable forcing a temporary ota_update_path on the command line for "ota_update" (also skips version check). * Version 8.34 2024-01-04 * -- Handle zero-data GET_MODEL response from older Nexstar-GPS firmware versions. * Version 8.33 2024-01-03 * -- Support ENC28J60 ethernet modules again (build-time option in eth.h). * -- Use WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF) instead of WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true), to get rid of "esp_wifi_get_mac failed" messages. * -- Don't try contacting NTP servers unless WiFi is actually connected. * -- Use faster I2C transfers for OLED and FRAM: the earlier WiFi/BT issues seem to have been resolved at some point. * -- Update OLED rows every 35msecs instead of every 50msecs. * Version 8.32 2024-01-01 * -- Fix Stepper Motor control: was only moving in one direction (v8.31) because of a signed/unsigned math error. * -- Get rid of SSAG_DISCARD_MC_ACKS macro. * Version 8.31 2023-12-30 * -- Reduce PWM frequency for Dew Heaters from 8192Hz to 4Hz: theoretically more efficient. * -- New "focus.factor" (floating-point) setting for scaling 0..60000 focus motor steps up/down. * -- New "ssag.discard.mc.acks" (bool) setting to reduce Relay traffic with SSAG. * -- Misc tweaks and clean-ups. * -- Enable increasing NVRAM variable count without wiping old saved values. * Version 8.30 2023-12-23 * -- New "oled" command dumps all OLED displays to Serial/Debug, even when no OLED is wired up. * -- Use .println() instead of .write() for p3000 SERIAL_PRINTLN(). * Version 8.29 2023-12-21 * -- Where possible, eliminate unneeded double<-->int32_t conversions of GPS coordinates. * -- Tweak Nunchuck settings for Celestron Focus Motor speeds. * -- Be even more tolerant of extra spaces in commands. * -- Ensure Factory Reset clears NVRAM only once. * Version 8.28 2023-12-19 * -- New "simple_mode" of operation: wire 50K pull-down and 100K pull-up on ESP32_WIFI_MODE_PIN. * -- Improve I2C device detection for FRAM modules. * -- Use original floating point lat/lng values for gps.location.lat and gps.location.lng values. * -- Add new "fakegps" command to emulate a GPS receiver: fakegps dd.dddddd -dd.dddddd * -- Add missing "help" info for the new "send" command. * -- Add new "baud" command to enable setting faster baudrates on the SerialDebug port. * -- Add support for NTP date/time use while GPS waits for date/time fix. * Version 8.27 2023-12-17 * -- Tighten up command parsing and also make it mostly case-independent, except for single-letter commands. * -- Add new "send" command. Requires device and at least one (hex) command byte as args. Eg. send ALT fe * -- Decode/display Evolution battery state when tracing. * -- New 'D' command to toggle discarding of MC ACK responses to SSAG: reduces traffic on Relay bus. * -- Reduce AUXBUS_TXQ_SIZE from 32 to 16; it rarely gets as high as 8; SSAG AutoGuiding may need more than 8. * -- Add routing table: keep track of which devices are on which bus. * -- p3000: Close connection before completing "reset" command. * -- Ethernet: Add Ethernet support to HBG3. Uses same pins as Stepper Motor, so either/or for those two. * -- Ethernet: Enable more than one client at a time for myDHCP Server. * Version 8.26 2023-12-14 * -- Bluetooth: Make debug easier: always keep WiFi on when musb.rfenable is 1. * -- Bluetooth: New 'b' command to toggle Bluetooth debug on/off. * -- Bluetooth: Don't forward AUX packets to BT until handshake is completed. * -- Bluetooth: Show BT-Handshake state on OLED and status command. * -- Bluetooth: Add trickery for initial handshake needed by CPWI. * -- Disable both AUX buses and free up their RAM during OTA updates. * Version 8.25 2023-12-10 * -- Fix Nunchuck to use appropriate speeds when talking to a Celestron Focus Motor vs a local stepper motor. * Version 8.24 2023-12-09 * -- Make Bluetooth SSID always the same as the WiFi SSID, aka "softap.ssid". * -- OTA: Fix timeout bugs. * -- OLED: Reduce button press timers by 0.5secs to match desired timeouts. * Version 8.23 2023-12-07 * -- GPS: New NVRAM variable gps.force.saved.location to always use saved lat/lng when no better fix available. * -- GPS: Keep recent GPS Location data when sleeping the GPS, for replay on wake-up (still requires time/date fix). * -- GPS: Increase gps_idle_timeout from 10 minutes to 20 minutes, and allow NVRAM override. * -- GPS: Rename "disable.gps" to "gps.disable" for better consistency. * -- OLED: Show "HBG3 Idle" instead of "No Session". * -- OLED: Show "BT Session" instead of "BT Connected" when link is up but no activity. * -- OLED: On OLED, show ':' after lat/lng for real Location, '?' for saved Location, and '-' for recent Location. * Version 8.22 2023-12-02 * -- AIO: Show Ethernet status on OLED connection status screen when WiFi is Off. * -- AIO: Fix errors with p3000_debug_ethernet. * -- AIO: Fix hangs when switching ethernet client/server modes. * -- Ensure only char* is used with SERIAL_PRINTLN(), not Strings or QStrings. * -- Implement Push-to-Reset on OLED connection status screen. * Version 8.21 2023-12-01 * -- Change "Not Connected" to "No Session" * -- Change "W2 Connected" to "WiFi Connected" * -- Change "W3 Connected" to "WiF3 Connected" * -- Change "E2 Connected" to "Eth Connected" * -- Change "E3 Connected" to "Eth3 Connected" * Version 8.20 2023-12-01 * -- Light up BLUE LED while calibrating a newly plugged-in Nunchuck after boot. * -- New NVRAM variable for "focus.limits" * -- New OLED interface for FOCUS status and setting of FOCUS limits. * -- Don't show GPS on OLED unless detected. * -- Fix factory reset function: wasn't working after v8.19. * Version 8.19 2023-11-29 * -- OLED: Revamp longpresses (major update). * -- Fix minor bug in new Evo WiFi logic. * -- New 'a' command for toggling whether w2000/bt/musb packets are shown when tracing. * -- By default, show only AUX/Relay packets when tracing. * Version 8.18 2023-11-27 * -- Handle aborted AUX messages where 0x3b reappears within first 4-bytes. * -- Don't forward incomplete (pkt_fail) packets. * -- OTA: Fix ota.version.path retrieval from NVRAM. * -- OTA: Improve version checking. * -- SSAG: Fix decoding of MC replies to SSAG. * -- DEW: Be much more aggressive in "Auto" mode. * -- DEW: Make longpress on Dew-OLED cycle through manual PWM as well as Auto aggressions. * -- DEW: Save "automode" and "manual PWM" settings in NVRAM. * -- DEW: Enable use of manual PWM for channels without thermistors. * Version 8.17 2023-11-24 * -- Only do EVO WiFi commands if Evo mount detected, and retry if no ACK is received. * Version 8.16 2023-11-23 * -- Add NMEA_playback feature for debugging/fixing GPS NMEA decoding. * -- Fix two bugs in the NMEA parsing, which were preventing a "fix" from being reported with some GPS modules. * Version 8.15 2023-11-21 * -- Try and fix garbage on Serial port at boot time. * -- Improve the polling fix from 8.14. * -- OLED: Add GPS Location Save/Restore options. * -- OLED: Other improvements. * Version 8.14 2023-11-16 * -- AIO: mirror the BLUE LED onto both of the AIO LEDs, as the BLUE LED is normally hidden inside the case. * -- Limit the polling frequency for detecting a Celestron Focus Motor. * Version 8.13 2023-10-20 * -- For non-AIO, don't do oled_setup() until after reading OLED type from NVRAM. * Version 8.12 2023-10-19 * -- Turn OLED on before aio_setup(), for much earlier feedback after power-on. * -- Show BT AUX/USB mode on OLED. * -- Fix bugs and clean-up Bluetooth state management. * Version 8.11 2023-10-14 * -- Include VERSION_DATE as part of OTA Update version check. * -- Verify that single-letter commands are actually single-letters! * -- New "test_auxbus" command, to verify BUSYIN/BUSYOUT and TX/RX functionality. * Version 8.10 2023-10-11 * -- Push and hold button for 10-seconds while on QRcode screen, and device resets to "factory defaults". * -- Add '*' indicator on DirectConnect display to indicate AccessPoint mode selected but not configured. * -- Move call to aio_setup() to AFTER oled_setup(), so that the AIO's OLED lights up MUCH sooner at power-on. * Version 8.9 2023-10-09 * -- Note that OTA Updates will NOT work on ethernet because of limitations of the underlying library. * -- Get ethernet working on AIO, including with p3000_debug. * -- Get bt_mode_usb working on AIO: Celestron USB Hand-Controller gets exported over Bluetooth. * -- Tidying. * Version 8.8 2023-10-05 * -- NCHK: Improve Nunchuck/focuser fix from v8.7, by NOT sending DEV_AZM/DEV_ALT packets out on relay bus. * -- Add PIN definitions for coolick PCBs. * Version 8.7 2023-09-19 * -- NCHK: Send Nunchuck focuser (and other) packets out on relay bus as well as auxbus. * Version 8.6 2023-09-18 * -- OLED: Use NVRAM setting "oled.type" instead of a build-time setting. * -- OLED: Use longer I2C bursts for QRcode image data. * -- OLED: Show QRcode only on Adafruit128x64 displays. * -- OTA: Do SPIFFS partition size check MUCH earlier, so a bad result can be shown on OLED. * Version 8.5 2023-09-17 * -- OTA: Implement a better version check; ota.timestamp conflicted with manual Arduino uploads. * -- OLED: Add QRcode splash screen. * Version 8.4 2023-09-16 * -- OLED: Fix slightly messed-up formatting from v8.3. * Version 8.3 2023-09-16 * -- DEW: Retain "aggression" values using NVRAM. * -- DEW: Be much more assertive with PWM percentages. * -- DEW: Use degrees rather than half-degrees for "aggression" values. * -- "get all" now shows variables sorted in order by name. * -- New option to support hardware from the original WIFI+BT+GPS project. * -- Support building for All-In-One hardware with HBG3 mainline code: everything working except USB-Host and Ethernet. * -- Add NVRAM setting "musb.rfenable": set to 1 to leave WiFi+BT "on" when musb_selected: needed for port 3000 "debug". * -- Add "status" command to show similar information to what OLED shows. * -- Experiment with 8N1 instead of 8N2 for auxbus, with new NVRAM setting "auxbus.stopbits". * Version 8.2 2023-09-13 * -- OTA: Fix bug when scanning for Content-Length header line. * -- OTA: Compare file timestamp against saved (nvram) timestamp to decide if already up-to-date or not. * -- NVRAM: New NVRAM setting for suppress.lowbattery: Use '1' to block Evolution Low-Battery warnings. * -- NVRAM: New NVRAM settings for OTA update server and path. * -- NVRAM: Change mount.reversed.alt to a simple 0/1 setting instead of "Yes". * Version 8.1 2023-09-13 * -- P3000: Use w3000.printf() instead of unnecessary w3000_printf(). * -- OTA: Introduce new Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates. * Version 8.0 2023-09-13 * -- P3000: Toggle serial-debug redirection onto WiFi port 3000 with "debug" command there. * -- MUSB: Make changing the MUSB switch position trigger a reset of the HBG3 after a short delay. * Version 7.19 2023-09-11 * -- MUSB: Fix it -- wasn't always working with latest CPWI. * -- MUSB: Permit MUSB even when RELAY mode is also active. * -- MUSB: Get rid of "RF-Kill" mode: Wireless always stays off when MUSB switch is active at power-on/reset. * -- MUSB: Get rid of MUSB_ENABLED flag: always enabled in the code now. * -- MUSB: Get rid of FALLBACK serial logic: no SerialDebug if MUSB is "on" and either EMULATE_GPS=true or auxrelay_detected=true * Version 7.18 2023-09-09 * -- RELAY: Don't do auxrelay_ssforward when controlled from CPWI/SkyPortal/SkySafari. * Version 7.17 2023-09-09 * -- RELAY: Don't forward emulated-dev requests to auxrelay: fixes emulated-dev double response bug. * -- RELAY: Auto-detect and dynamically manage the need for auxrelay_ssforward instead of a manual NVRAM setting. * Version 7.16 2023-09-07 * -- GPS: Improve/speed-up autobaud code. * -- DEW: Fix build for EMULATE_DEW=false * Version 7.15 2023-09-05 * -- GPS: Always wait at least 10-minutes before powering-down GPS. * -- GPS: Improve autobaud detection: wasn't reliable before. * -- SSAG: Emulate more SSAG commands. * -- SSAG: Decode SSAG commands. * -- Fix issues with "txq->is_alive" causing packets to be discarded. * Version 7.14 2023-09-04 * -- Fix off-by-one error in packet_decoder(), which was giving "bad len 0xd" messages. * Version 7.13 2023-08-29 * -- Show emulated device (eg. "gps_rx") instead of "emdev_rx" when tracing. * -- RELAY: txq->busy_timeout was too short (1.25 seconds); increased it to 15.00 seconds. * Reason is StarSense-HC sometimes holds BUSY while doing plate solve.. takes it a while.. * -- RELAY: Replace build-time variable SSFORWARD_ENABLED with NVRAM variable relay.ssforward (1=on, 0=off). * -- RELAY: Fix SSFORWARD_ENABLED; was broken by recent memory-saving tweaks. * -- NCHUCK: Slower slewing by default; use 'Z' button for original "faster" slewing. * -- NCHUCK: Slight tweaks to make speed zone '4' a bit wider on the Nunchucks. * -- SSAA: Emulator tweaks. * Version 7.12 2023-08-24 * -- Workarounds for CPWI sending bad MC_GOTO_DONE commands. * -- Improve focus_debug output. * Version 7.11 2023-08-23 * -- Reduce bt_is_active timeout from 15 to 10 seconds. * -- Show 0x3c packet data when using "trace ssaa". * -- Use "HBG3" instead of "HomeBrew" in most places. * -- If auxrelay_detected, then Use 'r' instead of 'v' prefix in VERSION everywhere. * -- Disable Dew Control if auxrelay is detected (pin conflicts). * -- Tidy up auxtest output, and better align print_packet() output. * -- Tweak/speed-up auxrelay detection logic. * -- Rename "auxrelay_[rt]x" to "relay_[rt]x" for print_packet() output. * Version 7.10 2023-08-22 * -- Allow settling time before loopback existence test for auxrelay bus * -- Give Relay devices a different bus address than regular HBG3: makes testing easier. * -- Split DEV_ESP32 into DEV_HBG3 and DEV_RELAY. * -- Show degrees for MC_GET_POS and CORDWRAP commands. * Version 7.9 2023-08-19 * -- New NVRAM setting for "cordwrap.override" to override hand-controller, CPWI, etc. 0/1 forces OFF/ON, blank does nothing. * -- Workaround for CPWI sending bad MC_POLL_CORDWRAP commands. * -- Change MC CORDWRAP opcode names to match the AUX Protocol document. * -- Implement push-and-hold for OLED_MODE button to cycle DewControl "aggression" values for channel-0. * -- GPS: New NVRAM setting for "disable.gps": leaves built-in GPS running, but not responding on AUX bus. * -- GPS: emulate the GPS_GET_RCVR_STATUS command. * Version 7.8 2023-08-18 * -- Tidy up MUSB/RF-Kill status on OLED. * -- Get rid of setTxBufferSize() calls: default buffering is adequate. * -- Enforce full blocking of packets from DEV_CFM. * -- Reduce AUXBUS_PKT_MAX to 16 from 32, matching reality and using considerably less RAM. * Version 7.7 2023-08-01 * -- FIX BUG: earlier v7.x versions didn't format checksum correctly in responses from emulated devices. * -- Don't allocate large buffer for SSAA emulator until needed, and free it again after. * -- Further reduce AUXBUS_SSAA_PKT_MAX to 848: matters only for the SSAA emulator, which never exceeds 832. * -- Show more informaion from "free" command. * Version 7.6 2023-07-31 * -- Fix WiFi Direct Connect: system was out of RAM: reduced uart buffers and other stuff. * -- Added "free" command to show heap free memory. * Version 7.5 2023-07-31 * -- Fix #include of ADC_LUT.h * Version 7.4 2023-07-31 * -- Fix bug with flipping MUSB switch after power-on. * Version 7.3 2023-07-31 * -- Lots of code tidying. * -- Fixes for "mount.reversed.alt" mode. * -- Get rid of AUXRELAY_ENABLED flag: auto-detect auxrelay Rx/Tx loopback during setup(). * -- FOCUS: Build for both stepper motor DRIVER types, and auto-detect them during setup(). * -- Fix bug in "trace" command: "trace" with no dev should turn tracing off! * -- Fix bug in Nexstar GPS compatibility code. * Version 7.2 2023-07-29 * -- Restore mysterious I2C handshake for Nunchuck: needed by some it seems. * Version 7.1 2023-07-29 * -- Fix value parsing bug in "set" command; trim this change log. * Version 7.0 2023-07-29 * -- Implement "mount.reversed.alt" mode, for folks who want to mount their OTA backwards on an ALT/AZM mount. * -- FOCUS: Maintain current stepper position in FRAM (if present), so motor position is remembered across resets and power cycles. * -- DEW: Use NVRAM for dew_max_amperage[] values: default is 1.8amps, but user can customize it with "set" commands. * -- NCHK: Show samples in nchuck_measure_middle() if nchuck_debug==1 * Version 6.29 2023-07-28 * -- Fix AUXRELAY operation: broken since v6.2 came out. * -- FRAM: Preliminary support for FRAM modules. * -- NVRAM: Don't display "reservedNN" variables from "get all" command. * -- NCHK: Tweak slowest slew speed for easier use at the scope. * Version 6.28 2023-07-28 * -- Fix bug in the "set" command: NUL-terminate the string before saving. * -- Fix bug in "FOCUS IS_CALIBRATED" debug message: was showing opposite of actual value. * -- Misc tweaks to wifi_relay_mode, including making the blink-blink-blink work over the relay. * Version 6.27 2023-07-21 * -- Doh! Fix auxtest (the 3 blue blinks). * -- Move remaining non-wifi function calls from loop() over to non_wifi_loop(). * -- Rename various functions for better consistency. * Version 6.26 2023-07-19 * -- Use Serial.flush() more often to ensure debug messages get ouput in a timely fashion. * -- Other useful tweaks and tidying. * -- Use auxbus.txq rather than a special queue just for DEV_ESP32. * -- OLED: Faster screen updates. * -- FOCUS: Increase MUSB timeouts: CPWI-2.5.2 takes longer to connect than earlier versions. * -- FOCUS: Fix handling of CALIBRATION_ENABLE, based on how Focuser Utility uses it. * -- FOCUS: Fix MUSB for standalone focuser/dew use. * -- MUSB: Standalone Focus Motor now works again. * -- Detect when BUSYIN is stuck LOW, and discard packets rather than having the queue get stuck. * Version 6.25 2023-07-19 * -- Make WiFi AccessPoint (client) mode compatible with older APs, and with Open APs (no passkey). * -- Replace esp32_msg with esp32_msgs[] queue, to handle more than one request queued up. * -- FOCUS: Add failsafe STOP because FastAccelStepper sometimes doesn't stop when told. * Version 6.24 2023-07-18 * -- FOCUS: Fixed. Had return values swapped in focus_handle_request() in v6.23. * Version 6.23 * -- BUGFIX: Stop calling w2000.flush(): messes up CPWI over WiFi. * -- Get rid of the "UDP Broadcast" messages on Serial port. * -- Split and tidy the bus_tx() and claim_bus_for_tx() logic. * -- Tighten up StarSense packet handling/forwarding logic. * -- Consolidate 0x3b packet checksum calculations. * -- Simplify a lot of little things from earlier days. * Version 6.22 2023-07-17 * -- BUGFIX: Tail end of Starsense packets were not being forwarded over WiFi/BT/USB. Fixed. * -- Tighten up Starsense parsing: don't tolerate 0x3b inside Starsense header; reset sspadding=0 for each new packet. * -- NVRAM: Prefix nvram related globals with nvram_ * -- DEW: Prefix dew control related globals with dew_ * -- DEW: Rename DEWCONTROL_/dewcontrol_ globals to DEW_/dew_ everywhere. * -- FOCUS: Prefix focus motor related functions/vars with focus_ * -- FOCUS: Rename FM_/fm_ globals to FOCUS_/focus_ everywhere. * -- Misc tweaks and tidying. * Version 6.21 2023-07-17 * -- DEW: Fix GET_VERSION so DEW works. Broken in v6.20. * Version 6.20 2023-07-17 * -- Misc tweaks and tidying. * -- BUGFIX: Fully parse Starsense packets from AUX, fixing bugs from older versions of the parser. * -- BUGFIX: Ensure auxbus rxBufferSize is large enough for any size StarSense Camera image packet. * -- FOCUS: Maintain calibration status in NVRAM. Someday use FRAM for saving the calibrated limits and motor position. * -- SSAG Enable/disable emulation via NVRAM variable. * -- SSAA Enable/disable emulation via NVRAM variable. * -- SSAA: Randomly generate plates. * -- SSAA: Merge/improve the SSAA Camera Simulator code. * -- SERIAL: Replace t1/t2 commands with "trace". Only one device can be traced at a time now. * Version 6.19 2023-07-15 * -- Various minor tweaks and tidying in places. * -- New auxbus_passive_mode toggle for listen-only monitoring of AUX bus (for reverse engineering CFM). * -- Handle baud-rate changes for device 0x00. * -- SERIAL: Implement $$$ ASCII Passthru mode to Celestron WiFi configuration port. * -- SERIAL: Decode device names and most opcodes for print_packet() tracing. * -- SERIAL: New commands 't1', 't2', and 'devs' to set tracing of one or two specific AUX devices. * -- DEW: Don't emulate Celestron DewController unless SHT3x was detected (was broken for a few releases). * -- GPS: Don't show messages unless 'g' is toggled on. * -- GPS: New serial command 'G' to toggle display of GPS NMEA sentences on/off. * -- MUSB: Show baud rate 115201 as 115200 on the OLED. * -- MUSB: Improve initial handshake for CPWI. * -- MUSB: New 'M' command for MUSB timestamps per byte. * -- FOCUS: Use 0..60000 as the full focus range, centred on 30000, same as Celestron does. * Version 6.18 2023-07-12 * -- Fix standalone operation (no AUX connection) to work with CPWI and the Focuser Utility. * -- Fix many things so that the Serial debug stuff can work outside of the Arduino Serial Monitor. * -- MUSB: Added 'm' command for the new musb_debug toggle. * -- MUSB: Default baud rate now 19200 (same as other Celestron devices), with auto-baud shifting to 115200 for CPWI. * -- NCHK: Only one (X/Y) axis at a time when focus_selected. * -- SSAG: Added option to pretend to be an SSAG, to make the hand-controller SSAG menu appear, but with NO functionality. * -- FOCUS: Make focus.microsteps configurable in NVRAM. * -- FOCUS: Enable finer focusing speeds from Nunchuck than from HC/CPWI/Utility. * -- FOCUS: Rewrite ULN2003 driver support to use moveTo() for everything. * -- FOCUS: Switch to FastAccelStepper library for STEP/DIR motor driver chips. * Version 6.17 2023-07-10 * -- Make port-3000 commands also available from the serial interface. * -- Implement a long-overdue "help" command. * -- FOCUS: Define stepper motors according to the driver chip rather than motor model number. * -- FOCUS: Change how stepper motors are stopped, so that the AccelStepper library doesn't get confused. * -- FOCUS: New serial command 'S' to set experimental fm_maxspeed values for testing. * -- NCHK: Reduce middle-measuring time from 1.5secs to 0.75secs for faster start-up. * Version 6.16 2023-07-08 * -- FOCUS: Fix standalone mode by preventing testmsg's from clogging txq when mount is off or not attached. * -- FOCUS: Lots of changes to how the stepper motors are managed. * -- FOCUS: Implement Celestron backlash compensation. * -- Lots of tidying everywhere. * Version 6.15 2023-07-07 * -- FOCUS: New serial 'f' command for toggling focus_debug. * -- FOCUS: Support different models of stepper motors. * -- FOCUS: Fix "go to preset": was broken in last couple of updates. * -- MUSB: Replace MOUNTUSB_* with MUSB_* everywhere to fix MUSB and avoid future Mount-USB bugs. * -- NCHK: Replace NUNCHUCK_* with NCHUCK_* everywhere to avoid future Nunchuck bugs. * Version 6.14 2023-07-06 * -- FOCUS: Merged working stepper motor implementation, courtesy of Andriy Melnykov. * -- MUSB: Fix operation with emulated devices (GPS, DEW, FOCUS) over the HBG3 USB connection. * Version 6.13 2023-07-03 * -- Misc: Stop (failed) auxtest attempts after 15-seconds. * -- NCHK: Hold both buttons for 2-secs to toggle between focus-only and slew/focus modes. * -- FOCUS: Enable use of Nunchuck with EMULATE_FOCUS. * -- FOCUS: Improve (fake motor) emulation by keeping track of stepper_position and stepper_speed. * Version 6.12 2023-07-01 * -- DEW: Tidy ups, minor fixes, implement opcode 0x03. * -- DEW: Added 'd' toggle for dew_debug. * Version 6.11 2023-06-30 * -- OLED: The OLED "mode switch" is now assumed to be present when OLED_ENABLED is true. * -- FOC: Include code for emulation of a Celestron Focus Motor. * -- DEW: First release of emulation of Celestron 2X Smart Dew Heater Controller. * Version 6.10 2023-06-26 * -- WIFI: Make the WiFi-Relay "automatic" when connecting as client to Celestron-* or HomeBrew-*. * -- OLED: Fix SSID/IP displays for Client and Relay modes. * Version 6.9 2023-06-26 * -- WIFI: Implemented WiFi-Relay: a pair of devices act as a WiFi AUX bridge without wires. * -- OLED: Tidy up the top line of the connections display screen. * -- OLED: Ensure screen is updated while waiting for connect in Access Point (client) mode. * Version 6.8 2023-06-22 * -- OLED: Fix the font for 128x64 displays, by cloning System5x7 and doubling it in height only. * -- OLED: Change default display type to the now-common 0.96" 124x64 type instead of 128x32. * Version 6.7 2023-06-21 * -- GPS: Inv2023-06-15alidate fields if not updated within past 15 seconds. * -- GPS: Return date/time when valid, even if GPS fix not yet obtained. * -- GPS: Improve parsing/validation of date/time fields. * Version 6.6 2023-06-15 * -- Added '#'/';' (comment) commands for annotating serial port output. * -- Added 'r' (raw) command for tracing of raw AUX port comms. * -- Display serial monitor message when formatting SPIFFS. * -- Stop attempting the BLUE-BLINK test after 12secs when STANDALONE_FOCUS_CONTROL is true. * -- NCHK: Include focus presets in nvram even when NUNCHUCK_FOCUS_ONLY is false. * Version 6.5 2023-05-31 * -- NCHK: Maintain Focus Motor presets in nvram. * -- NCHK: Re-use original approach direction for presets, automatically accounting for any backlash. * -- NCHK: Remove support for Focus Motor Calibration limits: the motor firmware handles it automatically. * Version 6.4 2023-05-31 * -- NCHK: Support query/use of Celestron Focus Motor Calibration limits. * -- Various minor tweaks and cleanups. * Version 6.3 2023-05-29 * -- MUSB: Make MUSB switch also act as a BT/WiFi kill switch when "on" (LOW). * Version 6.2 2023-05-26 * -- NCHK: Remove option for Nunchuck encrypted mode. * -- GPS: Use HardwareSerial port when MUSB is not selected at boot time. * -- GPS: Improve accuracy between GPS messages for reported time of day. * -- GPS: Larger buffer for SoftwareSerial. * -- OLED: Allow GPS to turn off when GPS status isn't being shown. * -- OLED: Don't rewrite unchanged rows, saving I2C overhead: helps GPS SoftwareSerial. * -- DEW: Improve "bad reading" detection for thermistors. * Version 6.1 2023-05-17 * -- DEW: Use floating point math, fix thermistor temperature calculations, add device-specific ADC_LUT[]. * -- GPS: Improve tolerance for corrupted/missed messages to 15 seconds from 3 seconds. * Version 6.0 2023-05-14 * -- DEW: Defined pins for a second Dew Control channel. * -- OLED: Really turn off display for the "Display Off" screen. * -- OLED: Miscellaneous fixes and improvements. * Version 5.39 2023-05-14 * -- OLED: Fix building with OLED_ENABLED but no OLED_MODE_PIN defined * Version 5.38 2023-05-13 * -- Print HomeBrew banner on Serial before any other messages after boot. * -- I2C: Use 100000 clock speed for all I2C devices. 400000 was interfering with WiFi/Bluetooth. * -- OLED: Reduce CPU load by only updating one display line at a time. * -- OLED: Delay slightly before scanning I2C bus: might improve OLED detection. * -- OLED: Show a lot more info on the netstatus screen. * Version 5.37 2023-05-13 * -- DEW: Fix handling of negative temperatures (below 0C). * -- OLED: Tidy up use of OLED_MODE_PIN and the various display modes. * -- OLED: Show WiFi info on the Network Status screen. * -- DEW: Always show ambient on OLED, even if no thermistors found. * Version 5.36 2023-05-12 * -- OLED: Use D4 for OLED_MODE_PIN, because D2 is already in-use for the BLUE LED. * -- OLED: Multiple screen modes, with OLED_MODE_PIN button to cycle amongst them. * -- DEW: Support max 2 DewControl channels rather than 4 for now. * -- DEW: Changed DewControl[0] pins from D34,D4 to D34,D14. * -- DEW: Lots of DewControl changes. * Version 5.35 2023-05-11 * -- Added Smart Dew Heater Control for up to four channels. * Version 5.34 2023-04-24 * -- GPS: Work around bad/varying satellite counts in the "SV" messages from BE-180. * Version 5.33 2023-04-24 * -- GPS: Speed up auto-baud so GPS detection finishes before StarSense HC polls for GPS. * -- GPS: Increase sleep timeouts. * -- GPS: Fix wake-up of BE-180 GPS after reset. * -- OLED: Show HomeBrew SSID on top line of 128x64 displays. * -- OLED: Fixed bug in "Don't sleep the GPS when using an OLED". * Version 5.32 2023-04-18 * -- GPS: Support the Beitian BE-180 and others that use 38400 baud. * -- fixed configuration information output over USB at startup. * Version 5.31 2023-04-18 * -- GPS: Fixed under-reporting of Satellites-In-View. * -- OLED: Fixes for more than one type of 128x64 display. * -- OLED: Don't sleep the GPS when using an OLED display. * Version 5.30 2023-04-09 * -- Nunchuck: Read the calibration data BEFORE using it. Doh! * -- OLED updates from KenF9000: build-time support for larger 128x64 display. * Version 5.29 2023-04-07 * -- Nunchuck: Deal with all-zeros calibration data. * Version 5.28 2023-03-28 * -- Added StarSense-For-SkyWatcher translation support. * -- Added optional OLED support: needs extra libraries when enabled. * Version 5.27 2023-02-20 * -- Nunchuck: Tidying. * -- Nunchuck: Fixed crash seen sometimes when Nunchuck gets connected. * Version 5.26 2023-02-17 * -- Nunchuck: Implement 5 slew speeds instead of the previous 4 speeds. * -- Nunchuck: Improve speed range calculations * -- Nunchuck: Shorten "nunchuck_" to "nchuck_" to make the code more digestible. * Version 5.25 2023-02-17 * -- Nunchuck: Fix bug from last version where only the highest speed worked with LEFT/DOWN motions. * -- Nunchuck: Do nchuck_request_data() earlier, to give Nunchuck more time to process it. * -- Nunchuck: Use calibration data centres as starting points for measuring centre ranges. * Version 5.24 2023-02-16 * -- Nunchuck: Use a centre-range rather than a single centre-point for X and Y axis. * -- Nunchuck: Fix BUG where calibration data wasn't being read unless in debug mode. Duh. * -- Fix compilation for GPS_ENABLED=false * Version 5.23 2023-02-11 * -- Nunchuck: Add new nchuck_debug mode, enable with 'n' in Serial Monitor. * Version 5.22 2023-02-10 * -- Nunchuck: Fix sign-extension bug in detection code. * Version 5.21 2023-02-06 * -- Nunchuck: Improve range calculations for cases where calibration min/max are different amounts from centre. * -- Nunchuck: Handle calibration data where min/max are zero but centre point appears to be valid. * -- Nunchuck: Measure actual centre point and redo calculations if it doesn't match the earlier (calibration) values. * Version 5.20 2023-02-06 * -- Nunchuck: Use calibration data if it appears to be valid. * Version 5.19 2023-02-06 * -- Handle Nintendo-branded Nunchucks with more limited movement range. * Version 5.18 2023-01-13 * -- Make it easier to adjust the LED polarity for boards that have it wired differently. * -- Fix SPIFFS error that shows up after initial flashing. * -- Add code to help with testing the MUSB switch on newly assembled modules. * Version 5.17 2023-01-08 * -- Be smarter when blinking BLUE LED for auxtest. * Version 5.16 2023-01-08 * -- Support for NUNCHUCK_FOCUS_ONLY with presets for focus. * Version 5.15 2023-01-02 * -- Fix use of attached GPS with hand-controllers. * Version 5.14 2023-01-01 * -- Fix compilation for GPS_ENABLED=false * -- Use MUSB switch to select ssforward_enabled when AUXRELAY_ENABLED=true * Version 5.13 2022-12-31 * -- To better guarantee correct sequencing, handle GPS requests from bus_tx() rather than from packet_decoder(). * -- Send AUX messages immediately from tx_enq when queue is empty. * -- Tidy up the auxtest messages. * Version 5.12 2022-12-17 * -- Improve WiFi connect reliability in client mode. * -- CPWI-2.3.5-beta11 doesn't like fast GPS replies, so slow them down. * Version 5.11 2022-12-16 * -- Fix bug and crash in GPS code. * Version 5.10 2022-12-12 * -- Include support for (optional) Nunchuck slew/focus controller. * Version 5.9 2022-12-11 * -- Restart the BT stack after BT disconnect as workaround for Coexistence bug. * -- Note: WiFi/BT Coexistence bug in ESP32 support causes it to crash after first BT connection. * -- Fix bluetooth: wasn't working reliably. * -- Stop bluetooth after 15-secs of no rx activity. * -- Re-implement handling/relaying of StarSense Camera packets so it works across the Relay. * -- Tidy up auxtest logic. * Version 5.8 2022-12-09 * -- Fix build error when AUXRELAY is not enabled. * Version 5.7 2022-12-09 * -- Flush txq on overflow, and for auxrelay test busyin/busyout and disable if not working. * -- Prevent "esp_wifi_get_mac failed!" error when switching to WiFi Server mode. * -- Print sketch configuration at start-up. * Version 5.6 2022-12-09 * -- Send attached GPS reply back on same bus that the request arrived from. * This enables an attached GPS to override one from the opposite bus. * Version 5.5 2022-12-08 * -- Prevent re-forwarding packets across the relay; was causing duplicate responses to remote apps. * -- Redo WiFi logic to turn off EVO and ESP32 WiFi when other connections are in use. * -- Reduce a bunch of arbitrary delays, improving performance. * -- Tidy up the GPS code. * -- Rename musb_connected to the more appropriate musb_selected. * Version 5.4 2022-12-07 * -- Run AUX bus ports at 8N2 again like Celestron does, not 8N1. * Version 5.3 2022-12-06 * -- Major(!) code revamp. * -- Implement optional auxrelay support. * -- Move GPS to EspSoftwareSerial Library when MOUNTUSB or AUXRELAY are ENABLED, to avoid conflict with HardwareSerial(1). * Note that EspSoftwareSerial Library version 6.16.1 works for me, but 6.17.0 fails to build with ESP32 support 1.0.6. * Version 5.2 2022-12-05 * -- Change ESP32_WIFI_MODE_PIN from pin-D5 to pin-D13 for convenience of assembly. * Version 5.1 2022-12-05 * -- Include optional Mount-USB functionality. Ground Pin-D15 before reset to activate Mount-USB instead of GPS. * -- The regular serial debug/command interface moves to the GPS pins when Mount-USB is selected via Pin-D15. * >>> MS-Windows Driver installation is required for the onboard CP210x USB-Serial chip: * Go here: https://www.silabs.com/developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers?tab=downloads * Download/save the CP210x Universal Windows Driver .zip file. * Extract the .zip file. * Right click on the extracted silabser.inf file, and click INSTALL. * Version 5.0 2022-12-04 * -- Simplify compatibility translation for NexstarGPS mounts. * -- Disconnect w2000 on any attempt by remote to address DEV_00, to prevent CFM from seeing the mount. * -- Enable "version" command by default: needed by CPWI inside VirtualBox. * -- Pull in local hacked/copy of TinyGPS++. No library is needed now. * -- Change SPIFFS config file name; Add signature to file to recognize new versions. * -- Limit auxtest to four successes. * -- Print entire bad packet when bad csum is seen and verbose=1. * -- Improve handling of WiFi mode switch. * Version 4.9 2022-12-02 * -- Changed pins for GPS from 22,33 to 33,25 to match the new PCBs. * -- Added continuous AUX test for easier hardware debugging. * -- Removed all remnants of ethernet code, and got rid of BT_ENABLED flag. * -- Get rid of the WiFi "OFF" PINs. * -- Get rid of USE_ORIGINAL_PINS flag and the alternative pin definitions * -- Get rid of RESTORE_DEFAULTS_PIN: nobody knew about it anyway. :) * -- Always do vars_save() when unable to read vars from flash. * -- General tidying. * -- Trimmed versions earlier than 4.0 from this Changelog. * Version 4.8 2022-11-24 * -- Bring back the echo-supression from v3.7: needed for old mounts. * Version 4.7 2022-11-?? * -- Fix broken compatibility for older NexstarGPS mounts. * Version 4.6 2022-11-?? * -- Speed up GPS Fix times. * -- Note quirk: When configuring AP parameters with SkyPortal, it doesn't even try * to connect to port 3000 unless one has connected/disconnected port 2000 first. * SkyPortal does this even with Celestron's Evolution WiFi. Instead of trying p3000, * it connects to AUX and sends single byte 0x24 ('$') a few times(?). * -- Fix the port 3000 connection: wasn't working with SkyPortal. * -- Remove the recently-added bt_timeout: spoils one of the benefits of Bluetooth. * Version 4.5 2022-11-05 * -- Note quirk: When configuring AP parameters with SkyPortal, it doesn't even try * to connect to port 3000 unless one has connected/disconnected port 2000 first. * SkyPortal does this even with Celestron's Evolution WiFi. Instead of trying p3000, * it connects to AUX and sends single byte '24' a few times(?). * -- Fix the port 3000 connection: wasn't working with SkyPortal. * -- Remove the recently-added bt_timeout: spoils one of the benefits of Bluetooth. * Version 4.4 2022-10-29 * -- For V3 of the Hardware Design. Works with 6/8 SE mount, Evolution mount, possibly others. * Version 4.3 2022-1?-?? * -- Fix errant "Starsense" messages. * Version 4.2 2022-10-28 * -- Minor tweaks; reduce frequency of (verbose) "UDP Broadcast" messages on USB/Serial. * Version 4.1 2022-10-?? * -- Add new GPS_ENABLED(false) flag to remove TinyGPS++ dependency. * -- Change server netmask to (was .240). * -- Nuke remnants of last_auxbus_tx (dead code). * -- Disable internal pull-up on auxbus RX line when bi-directional level-shifting is used. * Version 4.0 2022-10-08 * -- option for use of a single bidirectional BUSY line instead of BUSYIN/BUSYOUT. * -- use unsigned type for "cx" rather than char. * -- reset cx to zero on "exit" command. * -- use safer nvram_get_val() instead of find_val() most places. * Version 3.7 2021-05-08 * -- Receive/discard echos of packets we send to auxbus, instead of trying auxbus.flush(). * -- NexstarGPS: emulate responses for MC_GET_MAX_RATE, MC_GET_MAX_SLEW_RATE command from CPWI. * Version 3.6 2021-04-25 * -- Fix false detection of non-existing GPS receivers. * -- Add 'g' command to toggle GPS debugging * Version 3.5 2021-04-20 * -- Reinstate 15-second connection timeout for recovery from wifi drops. * -- Added automatic management of EVO WiFi as alternative to having a switch for it. * -- More code refactoring to enable use of W5500 ethernet eventually. * -- For Nexstar-GPS mounts, emulate a CPC mount instead. * -- New pin assignments going forward, to eliminate conflicts with SPI/I2C. * Version 3.4 2021-03-13 * -- Doh. Fix bug in GPS-8 compatibility code. * -- Fix corner cases for the new buffering. * Version 3.3 2021-03-13 * -- Implemented buffering of non-0x3b pkt data bytes for WiFi/BT transmission. * -- Fixed harmless (?) bug with Starsense 0x3c data handling. * -- Work on compatibility for older mounts such as the GPS-8. * Version 3.2 2021-03-13 * -- Fix BT SSID generation, and tidy up WiFi mac access/use everywhere. * Version 3.1 2021-03-12 * -- Revamp w2000/w3000 handling using globals for WiFiClient objects. * -- Get rid of auxbus_over_usbserial: nobody wants/uses it. * -- Lots of code revamping/tidying. * Version 3.0 2021-03-12 * -- Remove StarSense Simulator: no longer needed. * -- use "#if BT_ENABLED" instead of "if (BT_ENABLED)" * Version 2.9 * -- Code cleanups and some restructuring. * Version 2.8a 2021-03-01 * -- Increased time BUSY is asserted before ESP32 begins transmitting. * Version 2.8 2021-02-24 * -- Add a hyphen into the BT_ID. * -- Add StarSense Camera Simulator * -- Apply various fixes to make WiFi+BT work with StarSense Camera * Version 2.7 * -- Enable Bluetooth (BT) by default: it works(!) with CPWI. * -- Generate unique BT id based on WiFi hardware mac address. * Version 2.6 2021-02-09 * -- Update auxbus_receive() to better handle StarSense Camera 0x3c packets. * Version 2.5 * -- Allow for arbitrary auxbus protocols and arbitrary auxbus message sizes. * Version 2.4 * -- Allow for auxbus messages with up to the protocol limit of 256 bytes payload * -- Get rid of unnecessary rxbuf->count field. * Version 2.3 * -- Fix GPS pin confusion and add an explanation. * Version 2.2 2021-01-06 * -- Move VERSION to the end of the WIFI_VERSION string. Print it at startup. * -- Change BUSYOUT-to-tx delay to 100 microseconds. * -- Get rid of the verbose=0/1 messages. * Version 2.1c 2021-01-05 * -- New usbserial commands: 't' send test msg; 'v' toggle verbose. * -- Add BUSY diagnostics when verbose=1. * -- Increase BUSYOUT-to-tx delay to 500 microseconds. * Version 2.1a 2021-01-04 * -- Add rudimentary auxbus test. * Version 2.1 2021-01-04 * -- Fix LED so that it is only on when there's a WiFi connection. * -- Fix parser error on p3000. * Version 2.0 2021-01-04 * -- Get rid of wifi timeouts: don't seem to be needed after all. * -- Disable Bluetooth by default. * -- Prepend millisecond timestamps to print_packet() output. * -- Replace BUILD_BT flag with BT_ENABLED flag * -- Fixed code use VERBOSE again. * -- Tidying. * Version 1.9 * -- Make changes to the WiFi mode immediate, both from vars and the physical switch. * -- In the event that the Client parameters are incomplete, it will revert to SoftAP * mode until new vars are "saved". * Version 1.8 * -- Implemented auxbus_over_usbserial. Pull pin-19 LOW at startup to activate it. * In theory, this allows for use of MCupdate over the USB-Serial connection. * -- Remap hardware-serial-0 to the GPS, and hardware-serial-1 to USB. * This gets rid of spurious debug messages from Arduino libraries that might mess up auxbus_over_usbserial. * -- Reset the wifi_rxbuf on new connection. * -- Added a (disabled) "version" command on port 3000, same as Celestron. Enables CFM to detect us. * Version 1.7 * -- Try to arrange wifi code more sensibly. * -- Added a "verbose" variable on port 3000. * -- Use a (likely) unique default SSID which includes the final 6-digits of MAC. * -- Corrected Pin-D5 to Pin-5 everywhere. * -- Added wifi "reset" command on port 3000. * -- Tidying. * Version 1.6 2020-12-28 * -- Implemented port 3000 management interface. * -- Implemented get/set for all variables used by SkyPortal. * -- Save/restore variables in flash memory. * -- Implemented WiFi-client mode, using config from wlan variables. * -- Designated Pin-18 for use as "restore defaults" in case of misconfiguration. * -- Designated Pin-5 for WiFi mode switch. * -- Added a variable for "wifi.mode": 0=SoftAP, 1=Client, anything else uses the Pin-5 switch. * -- Don't report GPS capability until after a GPSr is detected on its serial port. * Version 1.5 * -- Reconfigured the board definition to use "huge_app" partitions layout. * -- General tidying. * Version 1.4 2020-12-26 * -- Added working BlueTooth serial support! * -- Not enough flash memory on the ESP32 to hold everything at once though. * -- Need to select BUILD_* features at compile time now. * Version 1.3 2020-12-26 * -- SkyPortal app now connects instantly! * -- Added UDP advertisement broadcasts. * -- Added NULL responses to timed-out "GET_VER" queries. * -- Added TCP KEEPALIVE packets at 2000msec intervals. * Version 1.2 2020-12-19 * -- General tidying. * -- Added WiFi on/off switch for ESP32 wifi, using GPIO15 pin. * -- Added WiFi on/off switch for internal EVO wifi, using GPIO4/D4 pin. * Version 1.1 2020-12-15 * -- Added WiFi killswitch on GPIO15, for GPS-only use. * Version 1.0 2020-12-?? * -- Initial release. * GPS+WiFi are both working well. Bluetooth (BT) not yet implemented. * -- SkyPortal has a longish delay at startup with the WiFi (be patient). * This is mainly due to SkyPortal polling for StarSense and Focuser. * The Celestron Wifi responds after 100msec with an empty TCP packet, * and I have yet to figure out how to get the ESP32 to do the same. * -- Shorter TCP timeouts not yet implemented; might not be necessary. * -- Wiring schematic not yet drawn up, but circuit uses a 74HC125 for interfacing.