Welcome to Real-Time Remedies Inc.The newest versions of my Linux hdparm utility are available from SourceForge. I have designed several HomeBrew accessories for Celestron telescopes. Click here for more info and build plans.
You may find my ft232r_prog utility of interest. There's a very simple $13 Sapphire TheatriX IR Remote Control for use with Linux/MythTV, which I wrote a custom driver for. I also have a simple package containing a backport of tmdb3.py for use with mythtv-0.24 (and mythtv-0.25), to restore movie metadata lookup capability. Here is my userspace MythTV driver/app for the Antec Fusion case's front panel display and knob. I have written a detailed Review of the Wittig/Welec W2022A Digital Oscilloscope.
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My GPG email public key is here. Looking for tools and related downloads? Click Here! |