Backport of (TheMovieDB protocol 3) for mythtv-0.24-fixes |
In mid September/2013, (aka. switched off access from MythTV versions prior to mythtv-0.26, by dropping support for the original protocol used by movie database lookups. For those of us running heavily customized installations of mythtv-0.24 and mythtv-0.25, this was a bit of a disaster.
So.. here is support for the new protocol, back-ported from mythtv-0.26, in a nice and easily-installable form.
Updated 18-Sep-2015 to speed-up lookups, work around tmdb3 bugs, and include YEAR in the results list |
Updated 20-Aug-2015 to re-add missing files from the 01-Jun-2015 version. |
Updated 07-Jun-2015 with latest tmdb3-0.7.2 files to fix single-word title lookups. |
Updated 02-Feb-2014 from latest upstream: fixes bug whereby some lookups returned no data. |
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.[67]/tmdb3* sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.[67]/MythTV3 sudo tar -Pvxf tmdb3_workaround.tgz
It provides all of the new "protocol 3" python scripts required, along with the script itself, plus a duplicate of the script, named for direct use with mythtv-0.24 and mythtv-0.25.
Python-2.6 or Python-2.7 is assumed. If your system has a different version, then you may have to move the files around after installation. But most setups from the 0.24 era are using Python-2.6 or Python-2.7 so it should just work without fuss.
The technique used is the same as described by user xrxca in this mythtvtalk thread.
The script can be tested from the command line, like this:
/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/ -M "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"